Slow is the New Downtime
Poor Application Performance Will Kill Your Business, and It Starts With Your Network
Only One Solution Can Boost Today’s WAN, Wi-Fi, Mobile and Cloud Networks by up to 10x, and Future-Proof Them for 5G and Beyond
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Why do you need us?

Today’s networks are filled with jitter
Most of today’s applications transmit data in unpredictable bursts. They’re often hosted in cloud environments subject to VM crosstalk and random hypervisor delays, and accessed over volatile last mile mobile and Wi-Fi networks. All these factors combine to create unprecedented levels of variance in packet timing, i.e., jitter.
Causing throughput collapse
Network protocols like TCP treat jitter as a sign of congestion, slowing traffic to prevent data loss until throughput collapses, even when plenty of bandwidth is available. Applications stall, and so does your business.

Which we eliminate
Our patented technology detects whether jitter is due to congestion, and prevents throughput collapse if it’s not. This capability and many others enable us to improve performance by up to 10x on busy WAN, mobile and
Wi-Fi networks.
So your business can thrive
Jitter is now the leading cause of throughput collapse, resulting in slow websites that chase away customers, and poor application performance that kills employee productivity. It will only get worse, as more employees go mobile and applications move to cloud environments that create jitter of their own. You can’t afford to ignore it.

At this point, you might be thinking…
I’ll just fix my slow network by adding more bandwidth or access points
Reality: This just doesn’t work. Jitter is already causing your network to waste bandwidth. Adding more actually increases the incidence of jitter-induced throughput collapse.
This must be based on QoS, compression, caching, or deduplication
Reality: We don’t do any of this. These techniques don’t really address jitter. They also require access to the payload, which adds significant encryption/decryption performance overhead now that over 80% of network traffic is encrypted, not to mention the security risk.
OK, I’ll just use buffers to fix jitter
Reality: This doesn’t work either. Jitter buffers realign packet timing for consistency before packets are passed to the receiving application. Unfortunately, packet realignment causes random delays that make jitter worse, and it ruins performance for real-time applications like live video streaming and IoT.
And you also might be shocked
to find out that our technology is
Optimizing encrypted traffic
We never look at the payload, so we don’t care if traffic is encrypted or compressed.
Needing two boxes on each end of the network is old news.
Our solution is designed to be installed within 15 minutes.
When you buy something, it should just continue working.
Here’s a video of our technology in action
Case studies
The results speak for themselves

Hotel & Hospitality


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