Jan 10, 2019 | Blog, Networking
Executive Summary Wi-Fi networks are the most volatile because they’re subject to external factors that are the most difficult to control. RF interference, fading, or channel access conflict driven by a sudden increase in users can induce jitter that causes throughput...
Oct 3, 2018 | Blog, Networking
Why it Matters, Why Your Network Can’t Always Deliver it, and How to Ensure It Does Executive Summary Network QoS (Quality of Service) has been defined as the ability of a network to deliver thelevel of performance required for business-critical applications to meet...
Aug 9, 2017 | Blog, Networking
The recent releases of Google’s BBR TCP and Badu Network’s WarpTCP are signaling that TCP Cubic’s days are numbered. These new congestion control algorithms dramatically increase throughput for servers and applications in comparison to the previous Linux standard...